Entering a Split Donation

REACH allows admins to split supporter donations among multiple purposes. A common example of this is when a Supporter wants to simultaneously make a sponsorship payment and include a donation to a general fund or other purpose and asks an admin to do so on their behalf.

This is called a Split Donation as the total donation is split between two items (a portion of the donation amount towards a sponsorship and the remaining portion towards an additional purpose, for example).

Note: A split donation can include a gift to a sponsorship, but cannot be done when setting up a sponsorship for a supporter.

Split donations can only occur initially when created, but a donation cannot be edited to reflect a split:

If a manually-entered offline donation needs to be changed to a split donation, an admin will need to delete the donation and re-enter the donation as a split donation.

If an online donation needs to be changed to reflect a split donation, an admin can do a Manual Refund and then enter the information as an Online Donation. We suggest adding Admin Notes to the donation to reflect the change.

How to enter a split donation on behalf of a supporter:

  • From the Supporter record, click Actions > + Donation
  • In the Donation form, click Add Purpose, enter the Amount, and select the desired Purpose
  • If a donation to a sponsorship is included: enter the amount for the sponsorship, click Add Purpose, select Sponsorship, and then select the sponsorship name
  • Do the same for each additional Purpose
  • Complete the rest of the donation details form as usual.
  • If the split donation is a credit card donation, you will be asked to Confirm Your Donation and select the payment method to use. 
  • If a supporter has multiple payment methods listed, scroll down to Payment Details and click on the box to highlight the desired payment method. 
  • Click on Use Payment Method to complete the donation.


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