The Card Expiration Report will search for all donors or recurring donors based on their card expiration date.

A generated Card Expiration Report will list the:
- Supporter
- Month of Expiration
- Year of Expiration
Filtering Options

Filtering options include:
- Use Quick Date Range to pull expiring cards during this time period
- Choose a Date range > Start Date and an End Date for cards expiring between certain dates
- Supporters (Recurring Donation Supporters or All Supporters)
As with all Reports in REACH, you can save as a Report Template to use later and/or schedule as an auto-generated weekly or monthly recurring report.
The Select Columns to Display button can be used to add additional filtering options to your generated report. Any custom fields you have created for your sponsorships will be shown here. Simply click the checkbox to include any of these columns in your generated Report.
Click Search to generate your Sponsors Report.
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