To create an Event, click on Events and then click + New Event
Note: When creating an Event, we also recommend you have set up an Event Registration Supporter Notification and an Admin Notification to ensure notifications are automatically sent at time of registration.

Adding Event Details
From the Event Details tab:

- Add a Title (required)
- Check the Unlisted box if you do not want the Event to be shown on the public Events page.
- Note: When checked, the Event will remain viewable to anyone with a direct link to the Event.
- Select the Event’s timeframe
- Check All Day if it’s an all-day event
- Choose a Starts at and Ends at date and time
- Important Note: The Start Date cannot be in the past. REACH considers this to be a past event, since it has already started happening. The Start Date of the Event should be set to when the event is actually scheduled to happen, and use the “Sales Start At” and “Sales End At” fields on event Tickets to control when ticket sales start and end.
- Attach the Event to a Campaign (optional)
- Upload a Profile Image
- Note: We recommend a square image, 900x900px and under 3MB in size.
- Set a GL Code, for accounting
- Add Venue Information
- Note: If an address is added, a Map will be shown with the location
- Add a Description
- Add a Confirmation Message
- Note: This is the message that will be shown after a successful registration. Example Confirmation Message:

- Click Create Event
Adding Ticket Options
From the Ticket Options tab:
- Click + Add Ticket

- Add a Title(required)
- Add a Quantity
- Note: This is the number of tickets available
- Check if this is to be Admin Only
- Note: If checked, only admins can add registrations for the Event
- Select a Sales Start At and Sales End At date
- Add a Min Per Order (1 or More); Max Per Order (Blank (0) or More)
- Example: You want to require all registrants to purchase 1 Ticket, but no more than 8 Tickets. Set the Min Per Order to 1; Max Per Order to 8.
- Add the Attendees Per Registration
- Example: The default option is one attendee per ticket so it’s set at 1. However, say your Tickets are for a Table for an Event. Each Ticket sold is a Table for 8 people so the # of Attendees Per Registration would be set to 8, and the Registrant is considered the primary attendee.
- If more than 1 Attendees Per Registration is set, you will have the option to Require Information for Additional Attendees During Registration.

- If this box is checked, Other Event Attendee Information will be captured on the donation form, specifically the First Name, Last Name, Email and Address. In our example below, the word Vendor is the Title of the Ticket Option.
- Note: REACH will attempt to match each attendee with a current supporter’s record based on email address. If a matching supporter record is not found, REACH will automatically create a new supporter record for the Attendee.
- Note: If this box is checked, First Name, Last Name, Email, and Address will not be needed as Custom Form Fields.

Ticket Types
REACH includes 5 different Ticket Type Options:
- Free
- The Total Ticket Price is Set to 0.
- Pay in Full
- The full Ticket Price is due at time of Registration.
- Set your Tax Deductible or Taxable Ticket Amount.
- Deposit/Pay Later
- To require a partial payment at the time of Registration, set a Tax Deductible or Taxable Deposit amount.
- To allow supporters to Pay Later for their tickets, with no amount being required at time of registration, set the Tax Deductible or Taxable Deposit Amounts to 0.
- If this ticket type is selected, any remaining payment owed will be noted on the supporter’s registration, with an Add Donation option to pay the remaining amount.
- Payment Plan
- To allow supporters to pay for their ticket in monthly installments, set a Recurring Tax Deductible or Taxable Amount.
- Set the Number of Recurring Payments Required
- Example: If the Total Ticket Price is $160 and supporters should pay in 8 monthly installments of $20 each time, you will set the Recurring Tax Deductible or Recurring Taxable Amount to $20 and the Recurring Payments Required to 8. Your supporters will then be charged $20 in 8 installments, once at the time of registration and then monthly, every 30 days, 7 more times. Payment will automatically end once fulfilled.
- From the public view, this is how it will appear on the ticket:

- Suggested Donation
- To provide a suggested donation and allow supporters to pay what they can
- Note: Leaving both options at 0, will not suggest or require your supporters to pay anything per ticket and will leave the option up to them.
- Set a Suggested Donation Amount (optional)
- Example: You want to suggest, but not require, your supporters to pay $25 per ticket, set it to 25.
- Set a Minimum Donation Amount (optional)
- Example: You want to require your supporters to pay a minimum of $10 per ticket, set it to 10.
- To provide a suggested donation and allow supporters to pay what they can
- Click + Add Ticket to add additional Ticket Types; Drag ticket options up or down to re-order.
- Once complete, click Save Changes
Ticket Custom Form Fields
Create Custom Fields to add any amount of data you’d like to capture from your registrations.
On the public side, Custom Form Fields are captured after a supporter clicks Register and before the supporter selects the Ticket Type.
On the admin side, Custom Form Fields are captured when you add a new registration to the Event.
Custom Form Fields will be captured for the registrant only and will be listed on the Supporter’s record in the Event under Registrations and in their individual Supporter’s profile under the Event Registration tab.
When creating a Ticket Type under Ticket Options, if you set Additional Attendees Per Registration, more than 1, and Require Information for Additional Attendees During Registration, the First Name, Last Name, Email and Address are already captured and do not require you creating a Custom Form Field.
From the Custom Form Fields tab:

- Click Add Field
- Give it a Title
- Select Data Type
- Single Line Text
- Paragraph Text
- Number
- Date
- Time
- Dropdown Select, Checkbox Select, Radio Button Select
- Note: When using these Data Types, you will need to add the Title, scroll down and click Save Changes, then next to the Event, click Actions > Edit to add your options to select. Click Add Option for Select each time to add another option. When finished, scroll down and click Save Changes.
- Help Text
- Note: Use this Data Type to include any specific registration information or instructions you want your supporters to know when completing the form. You can add multiple Help Text fields as needed throughout the form.
- Check if Required
Continue to click Add Field for any additional custom fields you’d like included
- Drag your form fields up or down to re-order
- Click Save Changes
Example of an Event with a T-Shirt as a Custom Field
In this example, from your public Events page, your supporter will click Register and will be taken to this page.

The paragraph shown was created as a Custom Form Field with a Data Type of Help Text. The paragraph is the Help text content.
We then clicked Add Field, and added a Custom Form Field with a Data Type of Dropdown Select to capture the Shirt Size. We continued to click Add Option For Select to include the various shirt sizes. You can click Required? to require your supporters choose a t-shirt size.
Here’s how this is shown on the Admin-side:

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