Here are some example dashboard widgets you could add to your REACH Admin Dashboard. These widgets are not included by default, but return useful data that could benefit your organization.
For more information about using Widgets, see our Dashboard Overview article.
To add a new widget:
- Scroll to the bottom of the Dashboard and click on + Add Widget
- The Shared tab is where you can review and add widgets created and shared with you by other admins in your organization
- The New tab is where you can create and add new widgets to your own dashboard
- On this screen, you can Name the Widget, choose the Type of Chart, Width on Dashboard, Type of Record, select if you want to Group Sponsorship Donations by Type, choose a Date Range for Widget and decide to Share with Other Admins
- Once completed, click on + Add Widget
- The newly added widget will then be shown at the bottom of your Admin Dashboard.
- Note: To rearrange your Widgets, simply drag and drop them into your preferred location on the Dashboard.
- The Shared tab will show you the Widgets that have been Shared, which you can choose to include on your own dashboard by clicking Add Widget
- Click the Pencil icon in the top right of a Widget to Edit, Hide or Delete it.
- To Unhide a Widget, simply click on + Add Widget, the Unhide tab (this is only shown if you have Widgets hidden) and click on Unhide.
Donations by Referral Type Month-to-Date
This widget will display the total month-to-date donations for your Projects, Places, Campaigns and Sponsorships compared to the previous month.
Note: This data is also included in your weekly summary email.

Parameters to Use:
- Name (Suggested): Donations by Channel MTD
- Type of Chart: Bar
- Include a Table of Results?: Yes
- Width on Dashboard (Suggested): Half Width
- Type of Record: Donations
- Group Sponsorship Donations by Type?: Yes
- Chart By: Referral Type
- Purpose: Project, Place, Campaign, Sponsorship
- Project Item: empty
- Place Item: empty
- Campaign Item: empty
- Sponsorship Type: no selection
- Sponsorship Item: empty
- Count of Total: Total
- Date Range for Widget: MTD
- Compare to Previous Periods?: Yes
- Comparison Type: Previous Period
- Share with Other Admins (Suggested): Yes
Donations Month-to-Date
This widget will bar graph and list the amount of donations for each day of the month (month to date) and will compare donations to the same date the previous year.

Parameters to Use:
- Name (Suggested): Monthly Donation MTD
- Type of Chart: Bar
- Include a Table of Results?: Yes
- Width on Dashboard (Suggested): Half Width
- Type of Record: Donations
- Group Sponsorship Donations by Type?: Yes
- Chart By: Date
- Group Sponsorship Donations by Type: Yes
- Purpose: empty
- Count of Total: Total
- Date Range for Widget: MTD
- Compare to Previous Periods?: Yes
- Comparison Type: Year of Year
- Share with Other Admins (Suggested): Yes
Donations over the last 30 Days
This widget will list the total amount of donations per day for 30 days and will compare donations from the previous 30 days.

Parameters to Use:
- Name (Suggested): 30 Day Donations
- Type of Chart: Line
- Include a Table of Results?: No
- Width on Dashboard (Suggested): Half Width
- Type of Record: Donations
- Group Sponsorship Donations by Type?: Yes
- Chart By: Date
- Group Sponsorship Donations by Type: Yes
- Purpose: empty
- Count of Total: Total
- Date Range for Widget: Past 30 Days
- Compare to Previous Periods?: Yes
- Comparison Type: Previous Period
- Share with Other Admins (Suggested): Yes
Donations by Project Month-to-Date
This widget will display the total month-to-date donations for any of your Projects included compared to the previous month.

Parameters to Use:
- Name (Suggested): Donations by Project MTD
- Type of Chart: Bar
- Include a Table of Results?: Yes
- Width on Dashboard (Suggested): Half Width
- Type of Record: Donations
- Group Sponsorship Donations by Type?: Yes
- Chart By: Referral
- Purpose: Project
- Project Item: Choose any Projects you wish to include
- Count of Total: Total
- Date Range for Widget: MTD
- Compare to Previous Periods?: Yes
- Comparison Type: Previous Period
- Share with Other Admins (Suggested): Yes
Number of Sponsorships by Sponsorship Type
This widget will display the number of sponsorships in your REACH account by sponsorship type in table format.

Parameters to Use:
- Name (Suggested): Sponsorships by Sponsorship Type
- Type of Chart: Table
- Width on Dashboard (Suggested): Half Width
- Type of Record: Sponsorships
- Chart By: Sponsorship Type
- Date Range for Widget: All
- Share with Other Admins (Suggested): Yes
New Donors Past 30 Days
This widget will list the date, purpose, supporter, payment status and amount of any new donors in the past 30 days.
Note: This includes new donors (to donation categories or sponsorships). For sponsorships only, use the default New Sponsorship Supporters Widget.

Parameters to Use:
- Select the New Donation List tab
- Name: (Suggested) New Donors Past 30 Days
- Width on Dashboard: (Suggested) Half Width
- Donation Status: Complete
- Recurring or One-Time: Both
- Show only first-time donors: Check this box
- Minimum Amount: 0.0
- Taxable Status: Show All
- Date Range for Widget: Past 30 Days
- Share with Other Admins: (Suggested) Yes
Donations over $500 (or Any Amount) YTD
This widget will list the date, purpose, supporter, payment status and amount of any donations that are over $500, or any amount you select, for the year to date.
Note: Admins can use this to promptly and personally express gratitude to donors who make large contributions.

Parameters to Use:
- Select the New Donation List tab
- Name: (Suggested) Donations over (X Amount) YTD
- Width on Dashboard: (Suggested) Half Width
- Donation Status: Complete
- Recurring or One-Time: Both
- Show only first-time donors: Keep box unchecked
- Minimum Amount: 500.00
- Taxable Status: Show All
- Date Range for Widget: YTD
- Share with Other Admins(Suggested): Yes
Incomplete or Error Donations MTD
This widget will list the date, purpose, supporter, payment status and amount of any donations that are incomplete or have errored this month.
Note: Admins can use this to monitor and fix incomplete or error donations. View our Managing Failed Donations article to learn how.

Parameters to Use:
- Go to the New Donation List tab
- Name (Suggested): Incomplete or Error Donations MTD
- Width on Dashboard (Suggested): Half Width
- Donation Status: Incomplete or Error
- Recurring or One-Time: Both
- Show only first-time donors: Keep box unchecked
- Minimum Amount: 0.0
- Taxable Status: Show All
- Date Range for Widget: MTD
- Share with Other Admins(Suggested): Yes
New Donation List Widgets: Video Tutorial
This video includes how to create our three new donation list widgets listed above:
- New Donors Past 30 Days
- Donations over $500 Amount YTD
- Incomplete or Error Donations MTD
Note: The title, amount, and time frame displayed are examples and can be fully customized to suit your preferences.
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