Organizations can use the Exports feature to obtain lists of all data from a particular category – for example, all donations, sponsors, sponsorships or supporters.
Exporting is a quick process to obtain a list of all data compared to generating a Report to obtain a list. Exports will generate an Excel file for download. The Admin logged into REACH and requesting the Export will be emailed a link to download the file once available. Exports are also available under Data Setup > Data Import/Export > Exports tab.
Note: Report Exports are exports from completed reports. Exports are any other export of data, not generated from a Report. Export files are deleted from the REACH system after 7 days.
Available Exports include:
All Data – Export a backup of all data in REACH. These options will create a number of emails, each with a different spreadsheet attached, such as Supporters, Sponsorships, Projects, etc.
Campaigns List – Export a list of all campaigns.
Contribution Statements – Export a PDF of all contribution statements.
Conversations – Export all conversations.
Donation List – Export a list of all donation records.
Notes List – Export a list of all Notes records.
Places List – Export a list of all places.
Projects List – Export a list of all projects.
Sponsors List – Export a list of all sponsorship supporter records.
Sponsorships List – Export a list of all sponsorship records.
Supporter List – Export a list of all supporter records.
* Any Custom Fields that are created in Table format are also viewable as Exports.
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