Messages Import

When importing your messages, follow this process

In REACH, Messages are updates added by admins concerning Sponsorships, Campaigns, Projects and Places.

Here are some extra details to assist you when importing your messages:

You can use our predefined templates or your own files. While our templates are recommended for simplified data matching, they are not mandatory.

There are two fields required for supporter notes:

  • title
  • body

Using our Messages Import Template

Navigate to to Data Setup > Data Import/Export > Imports tab andselect the Messages Import Template from the System Import Templates dropdown menu to download the template. 

The template consists of two sheets: the first sheet lists column names and descriptions detailing the required supporter data for each column. The second sheet is where you will enter your data for the import.

Input your data into the second sheet, being sure to include the required fields, title and body.

Delete any empty rows from your spreadsheet. Empty columns should not cause a problem. 

Importing your Messages Data

Now, you can prepare to import your file. 

Remember, you can consult our Importing your Records article for detailed instructions. 

It’s highly advisable to first conduct a test import with a small number of message records. This allows you to observe how each data field maps and correct any errors before proceeding with the import of all your records.

Navigate to to Data Setup > Data Import/Export > Imports tab.

  • Click + New Import
  • For the Import Type, select Messages
  • Review the required and optional fields and edit your data as needed. Click Show field definitions more details.
  • Browse to choose the file to import
  • Click Submit 
  • Match your imported columns, click Import Data

If successfully matched, your import will begin processing and you will receive an email once complete. 

If any columns were not matched correctly, the necessary corrections will be specified in red. If needed, make corrections in your import file, and return to Step 2.

Once completed, you will see a status page that details the name of your import file, the import type, the status, uploaded date and a list with links to the records imported. 

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