Sponsorship Images Import

Table of Contents

This article will walk you through the process of adding your sponsorship images to REACH.

When importing sponsorship data into REACH, it’s crucial to follow this sequence for correct record linkage: begin with Sponsorship Images, then move on to Sponsorships, Supporters, and finally Donation History.

Each sponsorship must have an associated image for public display.

Start by importing your sponsorship images, noting that the import process for images is different from our other imports.

Importing your sponsorship images first allows you to reference their filenames in the sponsorship import using the Sponsorship Import Template.

Uploading Sponsorship Images

Navigate to Sponsorships > Sponsorship Images

Consult our Sponsorship Images article for tips on preparing your images.

Click +Add More Files

  • Note: If you have already imported your sponsorships: Click Match by File Name. This option is not generally used in the initial setup phase, but is used if you have already imported sponsorships and are matching new sponsorship images to sponsorships that you have already imported.
  • Note: If the file name of the image is the permalink or external reference ID of the sponsorship, REACH will attempt to match the photo to the sponsorship when importing.
  • Drop your files into the box or click to upload
  • You will be notified when the upload completes or fails for each image

Your images are now ready to be matched to your sponsorship import

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