This article will discuss how to manage the members in your Membership Program.
We’ll discuss:
- How to add members as an admin
- Where to view member information
- How to edit or cancel a member
Adding Members as an Admin
To add Members to your Membership Program as an Admin, you’ll want to start on the Memberships Levels tab.
Members are always listed and managed in the Membership Levels tab as each member is a part of a membership level (i.e. an individual member is part of your individual membership program level, a family is part of your family membership level, a business entity is part of your business membership level, etc.).
Here’s how:
Go to Memberships > Click on the Title of the Program you wish to add members

Then, click on the Membership Levels tab.

Next to the Level you wish to add a member, click Actions > + New Membership.
- From here, you can search for a current supporter or add a new one if the new member is not already in your supporter’s list.
- View the Membership level
- Choose the Membership Level Option
- Choose the Payment Type (Online or Offline)
- Add a Gift Supporter (optional)
- Note: A Gift Supporter is the non-paying supporter that has been gifted a membership by another supporter. A Gift Supporter will have the same benefits and access to their membership as paying supporters, they simply have not paid for their membership.
- Click Save

Viewing Member Information
Once a Member has been added to your Membership Program, this is noted a few places within REACH.
1 – In the Memberships module
Go to Memberships > Click on the Title of the Program you wish to view Members
Click on the Members tab to view a list of Members.

This will list the:
- Supporter name
- Supporter’s email
- Gift Supporter (if applicable)
- Level
- Status (Ongoing, Cancelled)
- Note: If the Member has cancelled their Membership, they will be listed in a section below for Previous Memberships.

- Payment Type (Online, Offline)
- Started On (the date their Membership started)
- Renews On (the date their Membership renews)
2 – On the Supporter’s profile record
When a Supporter is added to a Membership Program, this will be indicated on the Memberships tab in their Supporter record.
Go to Supporters > click on Memberships tab

There will be 3 sections:
- Current Memberships – will list any ongoing memberships
- Gift Memberships – will list any gifted memberships
- Note: This means they are the non-paying supporter that has been gifted a membership by another supporter. They have the same benefits and access to their membership as paying supporters, they simply have not paid for their membership.
- Previous Memberships – will list any cancelled memberships
3 – In a Memberships Report
Go to Reports > Memberships and generate a report

All Members will be listed here and will also include the following:
- Name
- Membership Level
- Payment Type
- Status
- Days Past Due
- Past Due Amount
- Member Since
- Cancelled
- Scheduled Amount
- Recurring Period
- Next Donation
- Last Donation
- Membership Ends On
- Amount Donated
Editing and Canceling Members
Members can be edited or cancelled by an admin:
Go to Memberships > Click on the Title of the Program you wish to view Members > Click on the Members tab to view a list of Members. Use the Action > Edit or Cancel button.

Go to Supporters > click on Memberships tab. Next to the supporter’s name, use the Action > Edit or Cancel button.

Note: To change a Member’s membership level, you must Cancel the membership. Then, go back in and add the supporter to a different membership level. This is because the membership levels are more than likely different costs.
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