This article will provide you with a general overview of how to quickly find answers to your questions.
REACH is a very robust software that includes many features. Our team is here to help so you can get the most out of REACH.
Setup Options
Ready to start customizing your REACH account? We offer two options: handle the setup yourself or select specific areas where you’d like assistance for an additional fee. Either way, our team is here to support you.
- DIY Setup Checklist: Your Guide to Getting Started for clients wanting to set up REACH on their own; and,
- Setup Checklist with Expert Assistance: Your Guided Onboarding for clients seeking paid assistance with setting up REACH.
Knowledge Base
This article is one of many in our extensive Knowledge Base. We update our Knowledge Base weekly, at a minimum. Go ahead and bookmark our Knowledge Base. If you are an Admin User that is frequently in REACH, it’s a great resource!
If you can’t find an answer under a Section header, please use the Search field.

At the bottom, you’ll find a link to our Change Log. Any new monthly feature updates are posted here as well as in your Admin Console Dashboard.

There’s also a link to our Retainer Services information when you need an extra hand, our Feedback Forum to submit your feature suggestions and vote on others and a link to email our Support Team.
Emailing us is our preferred method of communication. Your email will go to our ticketing queue and our full team will be able to keep up to date with your questions and jump in to help.
If you are just starting with REACH, you may have some common questions.
Check out our FAQs to learn more about all we do.
REACH Glossary of REACH Terminology
Technical jargon can be confusing and we understand can vary from software to software.
If you are unsure of a term’s meaning, check out our Glossary of REACH Terminology.
Online Demo
Have you had a personal, online demo of REACH yet? Regardless of where you are in the process, we always recommend this. One of our support specialists will personally walk you through the ins and outs of REACH and answer any questions you have. It also gives us a chance to learn about your nonprofit!
You can register for one, here.
New Admin Orientation
We offer monthly group orientation sessions for new admins joining your team.
If you’re a new admin for your organization, sign up to get up to speed quickly.
We host several Webinars yearly and record each one. We try to choose one topic at a time and really delve into the subject.
Register for an upcoming webinar or download a recording, here.
Strategic Sessions
Intended for organizations that have fully completed their trial period and setup process, our Strategic Sessions allow us to connect with you so we can understand your goals and ensure you are getting the most out of REACH.
Sign up for your free, 30-minute session.
Monthly Newsletter
As an Admin User, you are already signed up for our monthly newsletter. You’ll want to take the time to read these as they come through. We use this to announce new or upcoming features, our training schedules and provide other useful tips.
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