When using Products or Membership Programs in REACH, you can add discount codes based on a percentage of the product (e.g. 20% off) or Membership Level benefit for your supporters to apply when purchasing a product or signing up for your Membership Program.
Discount codes can be applied to all products or attached to a specific product or membership program level.
Discount codes can be Disabled or set to Admin-Only, where they are only available to add from the admin console.
How to Create a Discount Code

- Go to Products > Discount Codes
- Click + New Discount Code

- Type in the Code you wish to use (ex: 20OFF, FALL20, SPRINGSALE, etc.)
- Notes: We always recommend you keep your codes fairly simple, keeping in mind that your supporter will need to note them and enter them. Discounts Codes are not case-sensitive, meaning a supporter could use fall20 or FALL20 for example and the code will still apply.
- Choose to Attach to Product (optional)
- Note: This allows you to attach the discount code to a specific product. If no product is selected, the discount code may be used with any product order and will be applied to all products in the order.
- Add the Discount Percentage, ex: 10 for 10% off, etc.
- When not in use, check Disable, making the code inactive
- By checking Admin only, the code can only be applied by admins from the Admin Console and cannot be applied by a supporter
- Click Save
Once created and saved, you’ll be able to see your Discount Codes on the main listing.

The index view includes:
- Active tab, displaying your currently usable Discount Codes
- Disabled tab, displaying your Discount Codes that are inactive
- Note: REACH allows you to re-active your disabled discount codes. From the Disabled tab, simply click Edit and uncheck the Disable box and click Save.
- Code
- Discount percentage
- Admin Only? (Yes/No)
- Product, shown if attached to a specific product. It’s blank if the discount code is available to all products.
- Usage Count, how many times the discount code has been applied
- Edit, to modify
- Disable, to make unusable
- Delete: When Usage Count is 0.
- Note: A discount code can only be Deleted if it has never been applied to an order. Otherwise, the option will be Disable.
Applying a Discount Code (Admin-Side)
To apply a Discount Code from the Admin Console:
- Go to Products and select your Product > Actions > Add to Cart
- Set the Quantity and any other options, click Add to Cart
Once you’ve selected your Products, click on the Cart icon.

From the Cart page, select the Discount Codes from the dropdown selection area and click Apply.
Once you click Apply, you’ll see the Cart update to include the Discount Code as an Item and the corresponding Item Total will display the discounted amount, -$11.25 in the example below.
The overall Total will reflect the new sum with the discount code applied.
To complete, click Checkout.

From the New Donation screen, add your Supporter and select a Payment Type and click Create

If shipping is required for a product in the cart, the Shipping Address fields will be included in the donation checkout form.
Complete all payment and checkout information and click Submitto process the product purchase.
If Shipping is required, an Order for Shipment email will be sent to any Admins that have their Notifications set to Ship Order. This can be viewed and modified per Admin by going to Settings > Admin Users > Edit > Notifications tab > clicking on Ship Order option > Save Changes.
Applying a Discount Code (Public-Side)
From the public page, view Products and select one to purchase. Choose your Quantity and click Add to Cart.

This will pull up your Cart.
Cart information includes:
- Items
- Ability to Update Quantity, Remove Items, Purchase Another Product
- Price
- Discount Code Field
- Subtotal
- Shipping
- Discount Code Amount
- Total
- Checkout button

Once a supporter clicks Checkout, they will be taken to the donation form.
From here, they can Sign In, review their information and complete their order.
If Shipping is required, an Order for Shipment email will be sent to any Admins that have their Notifications set to Ship Order. This can be viewed and modified per Admin by going to Settings > Admin Users > Edit > Notifications tab > clicking on Ship Order option > Save Changes.
For all orders that are placed using a Discount Code, on the Donation Details screen, you will see the discount code noted as a cart Item.

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