When using Products in REACH, you can generate three different Reports to review your product information and orders.
These include:
- Product Details
- Product Orders
- Sponsorship Gifts
All Product Reports are available by going to Reports > Report List.
All reports include the following options once generated:
- New Search, generate a new report
- Records, the number of product records found
- Search, search within your Report
- Export Filtered Results to CSV or Excel
- Download CSV or Excel(full details)
- Generate Mail Merge or Email
Product Details Report
The Product Details Report is used to generate a report of all products with inventory.
To generate a Product Details Report, go to:
Reports > Report List > Product Details

or, directly from the Products page click Products Report in the top right

Available Search and Filter Fields

- Owner Type, used if the Product is associated to a Campaign or Event
- Categories, the categories you classified your products into.
- Note: You can select multiple categories by continuing to add
- Disabled, Yes/No
- Sponsorship Gift, Yes/No
- Shipping Required, Yes/No
- Check box to Show Variants, separately in the generated report
- Report Template, enter in a template name to save this report for use later
- Option to check box to Schedule as a recurring report
- Note: If checked, you can select how frequently to run the report, Weekly or Monthly
- Select Columns
- Note: Click Select Columns to Display to include or not include additional columns in your generated report. All are selected by default and include:
- Title
- Disabled
- Owner
- Categories
- GL Code
- Sponsorship Gift
- Price
- Number Sold
- Remaining Inventory
- Note: Click Select Columns to Display to include or not include additional columns in your generated report. All are selected by default and include:
- Click Search
Example Report
Here is an example of a generated Product Details Report:

As you’ll see, the following is available:
- Title, name of Product
- Disabled, False (No) or True (Yes)
- Owner, if associated to a Campaign or Event
- Categories, any categories the Product is placed in
- GL Code, for accounting
- Sponsorship Gift, False (No) or True (Yes)
- Price, Total Price of Product
- Number Sold, the quantity of the Product sold
- Remaining Inventory, infinity symbol for unlimited, number if set
Product Orders Report
The Product Orders Report is used to generate a line item report of all products purchased by supporters.
To generate a Product Orders Report, go to:
Reports > Report List > Product Orders

or, when in Products > Orders, click the button in the top right to go directly to the report.

Available Search and Filter Fields

- Quick Date range, pre-set range
- Date range, start date and end date
- Owner Type, used if the Product is associated to a Campaign or Event
- Categories, the categories you classified your products into.
- Note: You can select multiple categories by continuing to add
- Disabled, Yes/No
- Sponsorship Gift, Yes/No
- Shipping Required, Yes/No
- Archived, Yes/No
- Product Order Status, Ongoing, Unfulfilled, Fulfilled, Cancelled
- Payment Type
- Note: You can select multiple payment types by continuing to add
- Taxable, True/False
- Donation tags, refer to our Tags article to learn more
- Report Template, enter in a template name to save this report for use later
- Check box to Schedule as a recurring report
- Note: If checked, you can select how frequently to run the report, Weekly or Monthly
- Select Columns
- Note: Click Select Columns to Display to include or not include additional columns in your generated report.
- Click Search
Example Report
Here is an example of a generated Product Orders Report:

As you’ll see, the following is available by default:
- Date, of purchase
- Supporter, purchaser
- Product Item
- Variant, of Product
- Order Number
- Order Status, Cancelled, Fulfilled, Ongoing, Unfulfilled
- Payment Status, Cancelled, Complete, Manual Refund, Ongoing, Refund
- Recurring Order?, True (Yes) or False (No)
- Recurring Period, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
- Supporter’s Address
- Shipping Required, False (No) or True (Yes)
- Tax Deductible
- Item Quantity
- Base Item Amount, before fees, shipping and tax
- Base Transaction Fees, transaction fees charges
- Base Deductible Amount
- Base Total Amount
- and more, based on columns selected
Sponsorship Gifts Report
The Sponsorship Gifts Report is used to generate a line item report of all sponsorship gifts purchased by supporters.
To generate a Sponsorship Gifts Report, go to:
Reports > Report List > Sponsorship Gifts Report

or, when in Products > Sponsorship Gift Orders, click the button in the top right to go directly to the report.

Available Search Fields

- Quick Date range, pre-set range
- Date range, start date and end date
- Sponsorship gift item
- Note: You can select multiple categories by continuing to add
- Sponsorship gift variant item
- Note: You can select multiple categories by continuing to add
- Optional sponsorship fields such as: Sponsorship date of birth, Sponsored status, Program status, Sponsorship visibility, Sponsorship type, Project or Place
- Sponsorship tags, refer to our Tags article to learn more
- Category, Group, Affiliate
- Payment Type
- Note: You can select multiple payment types by continuing to add
- Various Supporter Filters including Supporter tags
- Report Template, enter in a template name to save this report for use later
- Check box to Schedule as a recurring report
- Note: If checked, you can select how frequently to run the report, Weekly or Monthly
- Select Columns
- Note: Click Select Columns to Display to include or not include additional columns in your generated report.
- Click Search
Example Report
Here is an example of a generated Sponsorship Gifts Report:

As you’ll see, the following is available:
- Date, of purchase
- Supporter, purchaser
- Payment Type
- Confirmation number
- Item, name of product
- GL Code, for accounting
- Sponsorship, purchased for
- Sponsorship Type
- Affiliate
- Tax Deductible
- Item Quantity
- Base Item Amount, before fees, shipping and tax
- Base Transaction Fees, transaction fees charges
- Base Deductible Amount
- Base Total Amount
- and more, based on columns selected
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