This article walks you through how to order Sponsorship Gifts and how to view Sponsorship Gift Orders.
Admins with their Permissions (Settings > Admin Users) set for access to Products will be notified of new product orders, including the order information and shipping address in the email. Permissions are available for Essentials, Pro and Pro Plus Plans.
If you don’t want to give an admin full permission, but need them to receive notifications of product orders that require shipping, select Ship Order under Notifications in their Admin User settings.
Note: Some of the features shown require that you update your REACH Theme to Quartz 2.3 or Ruby 2.3 or higher. Refer to our Updating your REACH Theme article to learn more.
Ordering Sponsorship Gifts (Public-Side)
Supporters can order your Sponsorship Gifts in a few ways:
1 – From your Products page, choosing the Sponsorship Gifts from the Category dropdown, and clicking Purchase.
Note: In the Product setup for the item, this requires that the “Show on products page” field is checked and the Disable field is unchecked.

Once a supporter clicks Purchase, they can choose the quantity and then Purchase for Your Sponsorship.

From there, in order for REACH to associate the supporter with the sponsorship, the supporter is then prompted to login to their Donor Portal.
Once logged in, they choose the Sponsorship Gift and Quantity again, select their Sponsorship from the dropdown list, add a Note to the sponsorship (optional) and click Add to Cart.

The supporter can then review their Cart, whichwill display the:
- Item(s) with the ability to update the quantity or remove the item
- Price
- Ability to Purchase Another Product
- Note: This will navigate the supporter back to the Products list
- Ability to Apply any Discount Codes
- Refer to our Product Discount Codes article to learn about creating Discount Codes
The Pricing section will include the:
- Subtotal
- Shipping amount, if Shipping is Required
- Refer to our Shipping Methods article to learn about your shipping options
- Any applied Discounts
- Total

Once reviewed, the supporter can click Checkout to complete their purchase.
Ordering Sponsorship Gifts (Admin-Side)
Admins can also process Sponsorship Gift orders on behalf of their supporters.
To do so:
- Go to the Products module to view all products
- Note: If a Product is classified as a Sponsorship Gift, it will show a Yes in the Sponsorship Gift? column.
- Next to the Sponsorship Gift desired, click Actions > Add to Cart
- In the pop up window, select the desired Quantity, the Sponsorship for gift and click Add to Cart

- Once all Sponsorship Gifts are selected for purchase, click the Cart button on the page
- Confirm the orders shown and the associated sponsorships (if any), apply any Discount Codes if desired, and click Checkout

- Add the Supporter and follow the prompts to complete the purchase

Managing Sponsorship Gift Orders
In the Admin Console, Sponsorship Gift Orders will be shown on the Sponsorship Gift Orders section (Products > Sponsorship Gift Orders) and will include:
- Order Number
- Date
- Supporter name
- Product
- Shipping Required? (Yes/No)
- Sponsorship, which includes a link to the Sponsorships profile
- Status
- Payment Status

Click on the Actions button to Mark as Fulfilled, View Payment, Archive.

Use the All, Recurring, Unfulfilled, Fulfilled, Cancelled and Archived tabs to view products as designated in those categories.
A detailed report on Sponsorship Gift orders can be generated by clicking on the Sponsorship Gifts Report button, or go to Reports > Sponsorship Gifts. Refer to our Product Reports article for more specifics.
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