The Soft Credit Details Report generates a list of soft credits and their donation purposes.
A generated Soft Credit Details Report will list the:
- Date
- Credit Supporter (supporter being credited)
- Donation Supporter (supporter that donated)
- Payment Type
- Donation Status (complete, ongoing)
- Purpose

Filtering Options

Filtering options include:
- Use Quick Date Range
- Choose a Date range > Start Date and an End Date for certain dates
- Choose a Supporter Group
- Choose an Affiliate
- Choose a Purpose
- Choose a Payment Type
- Choose Recurring or One-Time donations
- Include additional Supporter filters (optional)
As with all Reports in REACH, you can save as a Report Template to use later and/or schedule as an auto-generated weekly or monthly recurring report.
The Select Columns to Display button can be used to add additional filtering options to your generated report. Simply click the checkbox to include any of these columns in your generated Report.
Click Search to generate your Soft Credit Details Report.
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