In REACH, when you are setting up your Sponsorship Types, you can include multiple recurring periods. Recurring periods are how often the sponsor will be charged for their sponsorship.
The default is monthly recurring, meaning the sponsor will be charged monthly for their sponsorship.
Additional recurring period options are:
- Quarterly
- Bi-Annually
- Yearly
To set your recurring period options, go to Sponsorships > Sponsorship Types. Next to Recurring Period, you can select your options.
How Recurring Periods are Shown (Public-Side)
If you have a sponsorship type with multiple recurring period options, these options will be shown at checkout on the Donation Form page.
Note: The dropdown is under the Frequency field and lists the recurring periods you have selected for the sponsorship type.

The following recurring period text is shown on your Cart page:
Note: You can bypass the cart page for new sponsorships by going to Settings > Account Rules > Sponsorships tab.

By default, recurring periods are not shown on the sponsorship’s individual page.
However, if you’d like it mentioned on your Sponsorships page, you can add descriptive text on the main Sponsorships page.

To do so, go to Settings > Portal Branding and add text in the Sponsorships Overview area.
Donation Confirmations & Reminders
After a recurring donation is received, supporters receive a confirmation email.
Note: Automatic confirmation emails after a recurring donation has process successfully can be disabled by going to Settings > Account Rules > Recurring Donation tab.
In terms of payment reminders:
Monthly, quarterly and bi-annual online recurring donors do not receive an automatic payment reminder.
Yearly online recurring donors do receive an automatic payment reminder 7 days prior to when their next donation is to be processed.
For yearly offline recurring donors, admins can set up an automatic Supporter Notification for when the system recognizes the check or cash payment has not been received. With yearly donations, once the annual date has passed, the system will begin recording the past due amount based on the monthly calculation. When the Supporter Notification is set up, the system will automatically email the supporter that their yearly payment is due. Refer to our Supporter Notification article for more detail and our suggested wording.
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