If you have a supporter that wants to sponsor an additional sponsorship, that’s great!
In order for the new sponsorship to be charged on the same date as the current sponsorship, you will need to follow the process of taking their previous sponsorship offline, creating the new sponsorship as Offline, and then using Convert All to Online so they will process on the same payment schedule.
If you are starting the new sponsorship at the same time, we suggest you start the new sponsorship as Offline initially. Then, use the process as described below to set the sponsorships with the same start date and payment schedule.
If you have already started the new sponsorship, or if the sponsor already has multiple sponsorships on different payment schedules, you can use this process to restart the sponsorships with the same start date and payment frequency.
Setting Sponsorships to the Same Payment Schedule & Frequency
Here’s how:
- Go to the Supporter’s record
- Click on the Sponsorship History tab
- For each Sponsorship you wish to edit, click on the Pencil icon > View Details

- This opens the Sponsorship-Supporter record.
- Once here, scroll down and click on Donations Actions > Convert to Offline.
- Note: Complete this step for each sponsorship you wish to have on the same payment schedule. For example, if you have already started the new sponsorship, you can Convert to Offline and then restart them both at the same start date and frequency in the next step.
Once you have successfully converted all to offline, navigate back to the Sponsorship History Tab, under the Supporter’s profile.
You will now see a button to Convert All to Online.

Once you click Convert All to Online, you will be taken to the Cart page.
In the example below, you will see that the sponsorships for Gabby, Luis and Jasper are now added to the Cart as Recurring.

Click Checkout, to be taken to the Donation Form page.

From here, you can modify your start date in the Date field and your frequency in the Recurring Period field.
Click Create to finish the Checkout process.
Review and Confirm
Once complete, navigate back to the Supporters profile and click on the Donations tab. You should see just one recurring donation that will include all sponsorships.
In our example below, you will see the Recurring Donation that includes the sponsorships for Jasper, Luis and Gabby showing on one Recurring Donation that includes the Next Donation, Last Donation and Total Donation.
Next to the Recurring Donation, click Actions > View Details.

From here, you can review and confirm each listed Sponsorship and Description, the Recurring is Yes, the Quantity and the amount per Sponsorship.

Multiple Sponsorships – Canceling or Replacing One
If you need at any point to Cancel one of the Sponsorships included in this recurring donation, you can do so from the Sponsorship Supporter record without canceling the whole recurring donation.
If at any point you need to replace one of the sponsorships, you can do so by following the instructions for Replacing a Sponsorship for a Supporter.
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